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    Merry Christmas! 

    To celebrate this holiday, we are offering 15% OFF ALL OF OUR CHEATS & PACKAGES.

    Use Coupon: SANTAS0Z

    *Valid Until: 29/12/2024*

    *Applies to crypto-only transactions on forum. Can only be used TWICE per member*

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Another giveaway ;p Actually you can win not only 1 game.

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Hi again!


This took me faster than I thought to get this key xd anyway for now I have 1 game pass microsoft key for 1 mounth.

(old or new account, just you cannot have active subscription - or you can use key after your actual subscription will expire (it's about all of them gold and other))


how to Join?

Simply write on this topic "I want it!"  and like this topic / this message 😉

If one will miss, I wont add you to draw machine!


same easy rules, no need to explain why.



Now you can assign yourself. I'm collecting nick names till next saturday(05.11.2022) 3pm. After that time I stop collecting nick names to draw system and start to draw. Will let you know about winners till 6-7pm saturday (depends how long will take for me to past all data to system).


Anyone can join, just like in the rules how to join.

Thanks for reading and see you after week so I will let you know who won! 😄

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Hey guys!

Winner is KillSwitch, Congrats and will send you key at private message (should make it today, if not just tomorrow morrning. no time to make it now but you won anyway and will get it)

See you on next giveaway lads!


Topic alredy to close, thank you!

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