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How to add funds to your account

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Hello everyone! this guide i hope will help you find the way to add funds to your account here on http://s0zniz.com

I've added some picture to help you with the guide.


Step 1
Go to Store > My Details > Account Credit




Step 2

In the next window you will see the correct account balance you having.

Press on "Add Funds"



Step 3

Make sure you on the right account,

Then choose how much Funds you wanna add.

Afterwards simply press on "Checkout"



Step 4

Choose the method you wanna use to pay.

I would recommend use Credit-card \ Bitcoin since it's instant get instead waiting for admin\owner to give you the funds.



Step 5

Fill the address\email\phone and ofc the payment method you have choose.

(on this Guide i will use credit-card)



Step 6

Well done ! you did it.


Now you can enjoy and buy cheats on the store. 

Have fun ! 🙂


**In case of having error code 422: Time Out, please try do this guide via your mobile phone**


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