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Review PSO2 NGS V1.0.1 (3 Month Buyer)

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Hello, here to give my 2 cents on my purchase of the PSO2 NGS V1.0.1. Have to say honestly love there is one that exists to get me playing again Thank you but will explain a few things in it that are just awesome an love able it!! 


In The Player Tab Theres

Gravity Jump: Pretty much you are Inf. jumping an just have fun going all over the place love this just a fun past time exploring everything!! 


Infinite HotBar: This is also a 10/10 awesome thing to have never worrying anymore for gather those flowers for health an heal for day an revie everyone having 99999


No Proton CD: it is what it says your gonna here me say it again AWESOME one to have one Shoot your Skills back to back as a Forcer Always having Photon Flare back to back my spells hurt for days an your will to havent tried all the classes but this one is top notch its still a bit buggy as someskills or CD timer wont work with it as PP Conversion sadly still have to wait on that cooldown timer T.T 


Infinite PP: Sadly ATM this one does not fully work an if it does huge game changer honestly this an one other thing are my bread an butter of this product an let me say you won me over with this had a little taste spam my spells with no worry in the world for pp love love love this one sad part doesnt work game crashes once you start moving an some reason reduces your dash speed all in all durning writing this review its getting looked into THANKYOU an hope the solution can be fixed


No Fog: I honestly have no idea what it does i toggle it an nothing or im justt dum to see what it does haha 


theres many more Features i havent really messed with like 

Gravity, Floor Hieght, Player rotation, Gamespeed (mostt likey makes you character run super fast has a (RISKY!) next to it so ill back away from that, Pickup Range seen in another review who went more in depth detail to it but does work an your pick up range goes far at first thought it was like magnet first up things around you but lets you pick up anything beside boxes on the ground super faraway neat awesome thing but dam those flowers cause there always in the way!!, Camera Zoom lets you pan out way more the usual i seen these options for like setting up good pics or areas to justt have fun an explore more around you


next is ESP: Works like Great an love it helps get to things an find things better honeslty has a bug bugs in it like wont tell you the names right now i  get like ?h or 0? idk if it suppose to be like that but wish displays proply where will make looking for things a breeze another tool i feel thats amazing oh plus put it with the tracker in game already looking for matriels an you can teleport there or bring it to you with F10 or F9 those options bringing things to you has its buggy side may not bring you the thing it self if i think itts a station item but you can bring enemys toward you with that fun toy haha havent messed with the options like 

Red loot box : dont know if it works or not toggle it an ESP doesnt work anymore ahh Filter world items 1 or 2 these not much i know so i just leave ESP as default 


The Teleport Tab

This i feel i will mess up an expose my dum self with it haha but looks like you can honestly go wherever you like ill say be careful but im gonna mess with it on my free time i do see a option to Teleport to Main Quest  but cool thing you can save certain spots you wish to teleport back great for setting spots to gather or get to places quicker i know this one will be something ill love later on i end game 


Combat Tap

The other thing i said that i love love its the bread an butter the VAC Hack!! Love this Tool to death an Wish both This an Inf PP worked where make Farming a breeze only Vac fully works atm but OOF once i know theyll get it up an running they have a customer for life but basically you can toggle a keybind VAC hack an will pile all the monsters on you location so far from what ive seen itt brings in what ever you see on your mini map again another review explain it well tthe pros an cons an defintly wish theres an option to set like a location nto have them VAC to an pew pew them down but these options on there like filter Entities 1/2, Disable Stick mode an scaling on stick distance also Kickdown (despawn Enemies) most of these crash the game so really i dont mess with thewm much or at all the VAC hack already works like a charm default 


So Far these Are what i can say i review an seen i Honestly Give it a 10/10 still with the bugs an crashes cause i cant complain is there gonna be more updates to these fixes i hope these arent that easy but im glad an thankful i found this one an bought for 3 months sure an hell im gonna be a lifetime one soon enough this has so much potential an cant wait to see all the little things get fixed Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk


TLDR; I like the hack! VAC Op, Inf PP Needs Fixing Worth every penny an more   


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7 hours ago, Rendom said:

really jealous for PSO2 player has awesome tools, still hoping for BDO or New World has it too

or at least next new mmo Tower Fantasy , btw nice review mate. happy to see u enjoy s0z's tools ?

It all comes at the cost of breaking almost every Wednesday.. :D

But hey, at least that means s0z won't get bored for quite some time.



@milo130851 Thanks for the review! Did you encounter something among the lines of the HUD flickering while using it?

Edited by Zeta
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HI hi sorry for the late reply but for HUD Flickering ahhh not so much i think mostly where i get the flickering is from the ESP using that like the red/green bars i then to turn that off time to time but for everything as ive been using an playing with it Fav. is the No CD an INF hotbar its a must for me havent had much problems with anything though just from what i said on my review but i understand its all in a working process im in no rush glad someone justt has this out for everyone an appreciate it  ?

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On 01/05/2022 at 14:09, milo130851 said:

HI hi sorry for the late reply but for HUD Flickering ahhh not so much i think mostly where i get the flickering is from the ESP using that like the red/green bars i then to turn that off time to time but for everything as ive been using an playing with it Fav. is the No CD an INF hotbar its a must for me havent had much problems with anything though just from what i said on my review but i understand its all in a working process im in no rush glad someone justt has this out for everyone an appreciate it  ?

My apologies, ESP is what i was talking about.

But glad to hear that people share the issue, i was wondering if my GPU or Monitor Hertz Rate was causing it.

Edited by Zeta
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