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Just a trace of Purple...


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Hello, or "Moin" as they tend to call it over here...


You can call me Zeta. When taking a look outside the bunker in like, the "Pet Shop", the "Foot Locker" or other public discord of s0z, odds are you already got to see my humble self in the general chat... or just a trace of purple because you were way to slow ;)


What keeps pulling me into the Modding and Cheating Communities is how chill they can be. The alternative is to hang around with Tryhards of a Videogaming Community and all it's toxicity. When people are past the point of playing games for the sake of progress and achievements and just cheat in them for fun, their behaviour usually tends to be more chill and mature... That's atleast the case until you encounter the usual thirdteen year old that not reads the announcements and asks if he can buy a Genshin Cheat or if Super People is about to get updated... ?


Currently i am finishing my Bachelor of Computer Science, but don't bring up any wrong hopes: C/C++/C# misc. is exactly the corner i missed out on.

When "Cheating" myself i prefer Quality of Life Improvements, GUI-Cheats or Logic/AI supported suggestions over flying around or killing enemies with oneshot. Not worth the risk and becomes boring tho.

Edited by Zeta
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BadBoyCheats was founded in 2014. Our goal is to be the pioneers in cheating scene, by providing plentiful of options with the greatest quality, optimization and security in mind. Our main goal is keeping our customers safe and happy and create a large community of gamers who share the same passion and love us.

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